Grant gives election thumbs up

Published in the Jamaica Gleaner: Tuesday | September 4, 2007

President of the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), Senator Norman Grant, gave the electoral process the thumbs up, describing the general election as a reflection of Jamaica's "healthy democracy".

Senator Grant said he was pleased with the overall process.

"The camaraderie between the two political parties was very lively and was reflective of the spirit of rural Jamaica ... I would say the day went fairly well," he told The Gleaner last night.

In expressing his organisation's commitment to work with the new administration, the JAS president emphasised, "We have never been (influenced) by any political administration as long as we are driven by the need of our members and what is good for the sector, rural communities and the country. We have no difficulty working with any government of any side."

No honeymoon

However, he was quick to point out that there would be no honeymoon for the new Government as the JAS would immediately begin lobbying for the implementation of initiatives for the benefit of farmers and rural Jamaica in general.

Among those initiatives he mentioned were improved farm roads, a self-insurance scheme for the agricultural sector that is supported by Government through the Consolidated Fund, $100 million in capital to support a centralised marketing programme to assist farmers in selling their crops and access to funding for long-term venture capital fund for the agricultural sector.




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